Chris Krehmeyer’s Blog

Chris Blog Hero

Fertile Ground

I just finished reading “Braiding Sweetgrass” by Robin Wall Kimerer, a botanist and poet. I could not more highly recommend this beautiful but challenging

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Bring Back the Joy

Last weekend’s Blacktoberfest event was a huge success and reminded us of an important element in our comprehensive work—joy.

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Chris Explainer

Chris Krehmeyer I’ve been working in community development in the St. Louis area for 25 years, and I’ve been the CEO of Beyond Housing since 1993. While I’m proud of our accomplishments, I don’t claim to be an expert. At Beyond Housing, the experts we listen to are the voices of the community members we serve. I’ll be raising issues here that I believe matter to our community. I hope you’ll join the conversation. We do reserve the right not to post comments containing offensive language. To paraphrase Dr. King, we can disagree without being disagreeable.

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